Conference Replays


2024 Event

Scott Shaw
CTO - Asia Pacific Region @ Thoughtworks

Engineering Platforms Evolved

Trent Hornibrook
AWS Architect @ SEEK
Javier Turegano
Director of Engineering @ Canva

Weathering the storm, how to navigate failure in the cloud

Lars Klint
Microsoft MVP & Principal Consultant @ Arkahna

Who Tests their cloud code anyway?

Anna Fiofilova
Engineering Manager @ Cash App

Over the Wall or "Do we Still Need QA's"?

Phil Nash
Developer Advocate @ Sonar

Conquering Complexity: Refactoring Javascript Projects

Karel Alfonso Sague
Senior Software Engineer @ Block
Rashmi Shamsundar
Senior Software Engineer @ Block

Riding the Streams: Powering Stream Processing at Cash App with Flink

2023 Event

Michelle Mannering
DevRel 🥑 | Hackathon Queen®™ | Founder | Esports Queen

AI and the future of work: how to build resilience and ensure you still have a job!

Lars Klint
Senior Developer Advocate @ Pluralsight

Choose your own cloud adventure – knights, fairies, and dragons

Phil Nash
Developer Evangelist @ Sonar

The state of passwordless auth on the web

Anna Fiofilova
Engineering Manager @ Cash App

Into the rabbit hole of functional programming

Melissa Houghton
Lead Software Engineer and DevRel @ Azenix

Azure Static Web Apps with Blazor and .NET

Evan Bottcher
Head of Architecture @ MYOB

Strong and Weak Forces - Domain Driven Architecture at MYOB

J. Rosenbaum
Computational and Contemporary Figurative Artist

Roll for Initiative: how to make the world of AI a more ethical place